
I specialize in trust-building content and clarifying complex concepts and processes. I have brandedresearched and edited websites, blog posts, videos, brochures, pamphlets, instructional manuals, surveys, assessments, contracts, and correspondence, presented workshops, and planned events. 

To open a document or post, click the image.

Research and Video Production

My love of research is the basis of my proactive nature and keeps me adaptable in the face of any challenge. My new YouTube channel, Ready2Research, is where I share my research tips and instructional video content creation skills.  Each image links to a blog post that includes the video plus additional information. All videos are ADA complaint.

This intro to the Ready2Research channel links to a blog post which answers why this channel was created and why research is important to me.

The video in this post will show you how to use a free research tool to provide valuable insights at any point in the career search. 

The simple steps of how I learned how to create websites, learn new software, and adapt to challenges are detailed in this video. 

Technical Writing

Simplifying the complex and creating helpful content doesn’t stop a videos! Manuals, charts, and contracts are part of this category.

Manual excerpt for a whitelabel employee engagement app.

Contract sample: PHI HIPAA and Boundaries of Treatment for mental health clinic


This flowchart of the job search process shows the various steps and how knowledge gained from one step can also fill the gaps in other steps.

Sample email marketing newsletter for webinar and workshop series.

Blog Posts

Two additional sites which house my work: CrossRoadsINDY and Collectiv, for which I completed all blog content. This sample of blog posts highlights my trust-building content. Competitor research, keyword and LSI research, and accessible content all go into creating great SEO content that holds interest and creates relationships.

These solutions to 5 common problems of managing remote employees can help you adapt for a team that is stronger than ever.

An explanation of the counseling process that builds trust and helps clients make the most of their sessions.

How understanding consumer behavior can help you target your message and influence the decision-making process.

Selected Accomplishments

“How’d you do it?” is answered here. My process of breaking down complicated tasks and creating something new is explained in these posts.

Purpose and process of a nonprofit College and Career prep program for High School students I created.

Overview of the research, decisions, and actions made in the planning and creation of my 3-part video series on Boundaries.

Creation to publishing assessments using human behavior, suggestive questioning, advanced Excel formula and charts, and research.


And if you want to reach out, don’t be shy! Feel free to use this contact form. 

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    Still can’t get enough of me? My About page links to the rest of this site’s content.